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A member registered Oct 06, 2017

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ok thanks maraca just tell me when the next update will be out.

Marco thanks for the help your game will always be my favourite!

I'm using windows 10.

it happens every time I log on to play and start a mission I just start walking backwards and sometimes forwards it makes the game unplayable in my oppion.

I am using the new version and when I go to walk I just walk backwards or forwards and I can control the game.

This game is so amazing but the fovement glitch makes it not as amazing please fix it!

The game has a major issue every time I come into the game it makes me move forwards or backwards and it makes the game unplayable and im Canadian so thanks for adding them!

There is a bad problem with the game for me every time I'm in a game I move backwards or forwards and it makes the game unplayable.